Farewell 2022, You Were So Good to Me!

I honestly thought that 2020 was going to be MY year! I had made major plans to travel, it started off well with a cruise to kick off the new year in the Caribbean, then I returned and headed to LA for a month. I had an opportunity to network, perform my PR duties for a client at a major film festival and even attended the Oscars and the NAACP Awards afterparty.

The year was off to an amazing start and more trips were in the works. I was in Florida when the pandemic officially hit North America. Everything was slowly shutting down, including the borders. Everything was in limbo and I saw my fabulous year deflating like a slow leak in a party balloon. Like everyone else, I hunkered down and pivoted (let’s ban that word in 2023) to adjust to the new world order. Fast forward to 2022 and the reopening of the world and a new normal. I started travelling once again and my clients resumed in-person events and the rebuilding of their businesses.

This year has been my best business year since I launched in 2018. My client list continues to grow, I am working on projects that bring me joy and I’m getting wins for clients that exceed their expectations (check out my month end reels on Instagram). I also received an extraordinary honour from the Women Empowerment Awards when I was named Businesswoman of the Year (you can read about it in my October blog) I always take November and December to slow things down and reflect on the year behind me and look ahead to the one that’s coming. I look at what’s working, what isn’t, what direction I want to take my business in and, of course, what my goals will be for the new year.

I made a bold move in 2022 and officially launched a second company FKB Media Productions Inc. (read about it here) and I am currently working on our first project, a documentary about Canada’s Godfather of Hip Hop Maestro Fresh Wes. In September, I had the opportunity to pitch the project to industry insiders as well as the CaribbeanTales Film Festival’s Breakfast at TIFF. I placed second and received a lot of interest in developing the documentary. I can already see that 2023 will be a year of hard work in that area.

I also got the opportunity to travel once again, from New Orleans to South Africa to Grenada and places inbetween, I got my wings back and I was flying high in so many ways. Being able to connect with folks from other parts of the world, hearing new ideas, different visions and experiences gives the mind food for thought. It definitely inspires creativity. I plan to do more of that in 2023, and I thank 2022 for reminding me how important it is to also take time to relax and self-care. Yes, some trips involved business, but I always carved a little ‘me’ time in to give myself a much-needed break.

So as I reflect on 2022, I can honestly say I am a little sad to see it go, because it was so good to me. But I also look forward to 2023 because I feel like things can only get better. I’m excited to see what’s ahead and I hope you are too!