The PR Slaying of Startup & Slay

I enjoy a challenge. People who know me, like really know me (like my family) know I am a competitive person, especially with myself. Emily Mills, founder of How She Hustles, hired FKB Media Solutions to do the publicity for the Startup and Slay Digital Series. There were seven Canadian women entrepreneurs from diverse communities, the Startup and Slay team, the sponsors and the project itself that we wanted to generate publicity for during Small Business Month - which also happened to be during the height of the federal election. Talk about a challenge. Pitching is hard at the best of times, but with all hands on deck to cover the most heated election in recent years, it was hard cutting through the political clutter. I partnered with a colleague, May Moore of Lewars Communications Consulting, to divide up the list and pitch, pitch pitch. We reached out nationally, provincially and locally as we had stories that appealed to audiences across the country. It wasn’t easy, but we managed to get all of the entrepreneurs coverage and the Startup and Slay brand along with sponsor mentions. For some of the women it was their first exposure to media, so we gave them a little prep of what to expect. It was an amazing experience that resulted in radio, print, television and digital coverage. It helped that their entrepreneurial stories are remarkable and the digital series highlighted these diverse women making serious moves in the marketplace. Make sure you check out the series here